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Posts tagged militaryspouse
Can age gap relationships work?
Relationships, MindfulnessAlisalove, agegaprelationships, agegaprelationship, millenniallove, generationgap, dating, marriage, militarylife, milspouse, militaryspouse, healthyrelationship, coaching, relationshipcoach, datingcoach
What's it like to be childfree in your 30s
Milspouse life, kindness, Self-CareAlisachildfree, nokids, militaryspouse, okinawa, japan, mindfulness, childless, helenawoods, lifecoach, millennial, childfreeinmy30s, thaiamerican, mother, empath, hsp, highlysensitivepeople
10 Surprises about Living in Okinawa as a military spouse/SOFA member
Mindfulness, Milspouse life, OkinawaAlisamilitaryspouse, militarylife, pcsokinawa, cultureshock, okinawa, japan, expatinjapan, americaninjapan
Moving our dog to Japan (OCONUS PCS)
travelAlisapcs, militaryspouse, militarymove, oconus, porttohome, okinawa, japan, haneda, kadena, dog, pet, cat, seniordog, movingwithmydogtojapan, milspouse
Mindfulness changed my life, and it could change yours
MindfulnessAlisamindfulness, mindful2024, millennial, militaryspouse, empath, empathy, empaths, HSPs, highlysensitiveperson, highlysensitive, highlysensitivepeople, elainearon, recoveringpeopleaser, asianamerican, thaiamerican, bipoc