Mindfulness changed my life, and it could change yours
If you’ve been around for the past decade or more, you probably have heard of the word “mindfulness,” this “moment-to-moment awareness,” but have you actually tried to apply it to your life?
You don’t need to have hit rock bottom (like I did) to try it out. If you have a breath and you’re reading this, you’re already at an advantage ;) You’re ready.
I invite you to consider picking just one area of your life to focus on. Use the energy of the New Year to re-commit to mindful living, your way. Here’s how.
I share tips below that have worked for me and perhaps, could work for you, too, my fellow empaths.
Slow down (like way down)
We’re all heading in the same direction, so why the rush? Be clear of the direction of your life, trust that you’re going in the right path, and then let go. Let go of expectations of how you’re going to get there. More often than not, you will experience many forks in the road, pit stops, and unexpected detours. Trust in the journey.
know your why
You may be wondering, but how? You’ve already practiced slowing down, and now you’ll start to notice the details you may have missed along the way. Let’s start to pay attention to your body parts that could be signaling curiosity, excitement, joy or expansion. That’s a clue. Follow it, and you’ll start to get closer to your why. Take a scenic ride of life, look out the window, and pay attention to those in front of you and what is in front of you. Some people call their way as their their “ikigai” or “dharma.” Some call it a vocation or calling, but the common thread remains the same: this activity lights you up, and you may not mind doing it for free, or for some if they don’t do it, they feel off.
pick one goal to work on
In the hustle-and-bustle culture, this could sound silly, but hear me out. Instead of being too idealistic, let’s be realistic for a change. You may already have a lot on your plate (as empaths tend to do), and you may be caring for numerous people already (oh, the struggle empaths know all to well). Let’s start small and witness the magic that may unfold. Take actionable tiny, turtle steps toward the direction of your dreams, one step at a time, one breath at a time. You got this. And, inevitably, something will get in the way. Life happens. Shucks. Just dust off and get back up again. It’s absolutely okay to pause and rest (frankly, I think it’s a necessity, but I understand for some, they consider this a luxury). Take note, discern, and take another step. Keep going. You’re stronger than you realize (tears are welcome on the journey, I’ll pack tissues for us). You got this.