The importance of daily routine

The truth is that how you spend each day dictates how you spend your future. If you want a happy future, focus on what you can do today to infuse more happiness into your life. The best time to start something new was yesterday, the next best thing is to start it TODAY.

There’s something freeing about doing your best each day, knowing that you only have control over this moment and today, one day at a time. The past is gone, the future is yet here, and you have the gift of the present moment.

So, let’s stop for a minute to look at your current daily routines, shall we? Below are some of my favorite morning, afternoon and nighttime routines.

Favorite morning routine

7 a.m. walks

Gosh, there’s nothing better than naturally waking up without an alarm clock, amirite? After a year and a half of waking up around the same time every day, my body got the hint. It’s like natural clockwork, trained to wake up around 6ish every day. Once I wake up I try to go out and get some “sun,” if there’s any, right away or soonish. When my dog lived with me, he would be my motivator to get outside pronto, you know, he has to do his business, and me, as a responsible dog owner, have no problem doing so. I love walks. Walking is my favorite form of exercise. 7 a.m. walks though are some of the best in my book and here’s why: it’s still somewhat early (not as many people yet) and the sun isn’t blazing hot yet. The cool breeze. The birds singing its songs. Nature is wonderful. I highly recommend.


This one habit changed my life. I’ve been practicing formal meditation since 2015 and once I started to meditate every day, there’s no turning back. For as long as I live, I am committed to showing up at the cushion every day to practice mind training in the form of sitting meditation. I eat every day to fuel my body, and I also need to fuel my mind every day as well through this sacred practice of meditation. I’ve experienced more peace, clarity and compassion for myself and others through this practice. It has propelled me to act out of love and not out of fear.


I read a page a day from my Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much Journal (side note: I remember finding this book in the used section of a bookstore in New York for $.50!). The book contains dates, quotes and reflections from the author. This frames my day and gives me a positive intention to focus on. I also try to read a chapter a day as well if I can. On weekends I used to religiously read the Sunday newspaper (the actual print). Oh, how I’ve missed those!

Favorite afternoon routine

Spending time outside during lunch

Whether it’s taking a quick walk during lunch or sitting outside to have lunch, I try to make it a point to go outside, even for a few minutes. I occupy an office space that has absolutely no windows. It can get depressing real fast, and if I’m not mindful about taking a breather outside, the days seem much longer and less productive. 


Whether it’s a piece of fruit or sweets, I’m a snacker and could snack all day if I could. I believe in moderation (better said than done) and through the practice of mindfulness, I try to slow down and enjoy each bite and texture while appreciating the food (perhaps its origins, the farmers, and the food’s journey from seeds to the product that I feel in my hands).

Taking deep breaths

Sometimes there’s only a few minutes between meetings in back-to-back meetings (frowning at my calendar and wondering why I did that to myself), what better way to use those in between moments for myself. Try a quick body scan to tune into different parts of the body and release any tension. Body scan sounds to complicated? A few deep belly breaths will do and can work wonders!

Favorite night routine

Lighting a candle

This practice has become a ritual for me. As a sensitive person I tend to carry people’s emotions with me. Knowing that I work with people the majority of my day, I make it a point to unwind alone and decompress. Lighting a candle (of late, it’s been lightly scented with lavender or eucalyptus oil) and admiring the fire can be a calming experience. This practice is also a reminder that I might be small, but I am powerful. I let go of the day’s regrets and worries and I forgive myself because I did the best I could.


Work has provided a notebook calendar that has grids for each hour. I’ve creatively turned this into my coloring book, like why not?! Heh. So, sitting at my desk before bed, I color away the day’s troubles, worries and stress. While I might not have much control over the pandemic, I do have control over how I color. Deep sigh. :)

Picking out clothes for the next day:

This practice eliminates decision fatigue. Each day ushers in hundreds of decisions and uses up precious brain power. By setting out clothes from the night before, there’s room for the brain to partake in other tasks, perhaps, more important ones.

Guided meditation

Another way to unwind is listening to a guided meditation to help reflect and release the day away, priming for a good night’s rest. Slowing down, breath by breath, easing into a place of clouds, pillows, stars and dreams.

I’d love to hear from you. What does your 2020 daily routine look like? What is your favorite morning, afternoon or night routine? Share in the comments below.