Self-love Year Round

V-Day may be over, but self-love is a year-round act. One way to show yourself that you care is by getting a physical exam. I feel that I’ve been one who prioritizes preventative care to a certain degree, but these past few years I hadn’t prioritized it as much. Side note: In 2017 & 2018 I experienced periods of (f)unemployment (aka purposeful pause) that provided a sense of instability and stress.

Anyhow, getting back to the topic of healthcare, I feel that I’m more comfortable with female providers, especially when it comes to getting Pap smears. I found a provider last month who was able to take me within a week for a physical exam (score!). Note: preventative exams are usually free, so there’s almost no excuse for not getting it done this year ;) 

After getting the results from my blood work, I learned that I have “slightly elevated” LDL cholesterol (aka the “bad” cholesterol). This took me back to almost 10 years ago during my college days when I also was greeted with the same news. That time felt devastating. This time I was a bit disappointed, but I knew that perhaps all those late night cookies I’ve been munching on (after the landlords go to sleep o.O) have brought about consequences.

So, this just confirmed that I’m the Cookie Monster. (My landlord and I plan to vlog about the experience of trying different 🍪. Watch out, YouTube.)

Does that mean I have to stop eating cheese, bread and chocolate all together? These are my comfort foods, though.

These are all the foods I turn toward when I’m feeling stressed, bored, hungry or joyful. Well, I’m learning to eat in moderation and not give anything up completely. Let’s not deprive ourselves, but realistically speaking, let’s be mindful about each bite. So, through getting the physical exam and results, I’m more mindful about how I eat. I can still continue to enjoy the food mindfully.

What I’m trying to share is despite looking “sort of fine/petite,” I am not immune to potential dis-ease. Getting routine exams gave me warning signs and in turn helped me to be more mindful about my eating choices. While the past few months brought about new milestones (starting a new job/moving to a new city/managing long distance relationships) and it can get stressful/homesick/emotional at times, I invite you to join me in eating intentionally for one meal. Sit while you eat, tech-free, think about the lineage of food you’re eating, experience the taste and texture of each bite, and/or how your body feels after each chew.

So, here’s this week’s call to action: 1) Schedule for your annual physical exam now if you haven’t already done so 2) Have at least one mindful meal this week

Let me know how it goes.

*This blog post was first published to my email list on 2/15/19.