What’s most important to you?

Figuring out the one thing that is important to you and letting the rest go.

Yup, that’s been my mantra this season as if I had a post-it stuck to my forehead. Have you ever been so stressed that your body is so tense and in pain? Well, I can relate. This past week I’ve been experience moderate/severe jaw pain, likely due to my teeth grinding at night, improper fit of my night guards, and maybe more stress than usual.

I called the dentist and she is not in office right now because she got COVID. The next appointment isn’t available for another two weeks (deep sigh). So, I thought of my acupuncturist, a total gem of a lightworker/healer. If you’re in the Long Beach/Orange County area, I highly recommend working with Lisa Lee. Let her know that I sent her to you and you’ll get some discount :) You’re welcome.

When it comes to self-care, I’ve learned to religiously set a budget for this category every month. If you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck it may not be possible to spend as much for self-care, but remember this, health is your greatest wealth. I’m not saying you should go and splurge all the time on self-care. You have to discern what’s important to you and make an action plan that aligns with that. Just a reminder that self-care doesn’t need to cost anything.

So, dear ones, take the time this season to identify what’s most important to you and reflect on an action that you’re about to take. Your future self will thank you.

One day at a time. One breath at a time. You got this.