Nothing in Life is Guaranteed

“Life is too short to not live it your way” is easier said than done. There are so many factors and contexts that go into it..I know. I can relate. This post will focus on taking one right next step of love, one step at a time. I’m not telling you to abandon your responsibilities and go wild. You can, though, if that is what you’re called to do.

If you’re constantly unhappy, look within. If you’re happy, also look within.

Cultivating a mindfulness practice has provided me with comfort. It’s given me insight into myself for living my best life. Sometimes it can be interesting to be an observer of your life and not react. Actively observe your internal state as you interact with people and situations.

The truth is nothing in life is guaranteed. My philosophy has been doing my best each day, knowing that each day will be different. Perhaps one day it’s about getting myself up and showing up at work, another day it’s trying to figure out travel plans, or scheduling in time for what nourishes your mind, body and spirit.

Each day is a clean slate. Focus on the things you can control and let go of the things that you can’t. Do more of what excites you and nourishes you. Let go of the things that stress you out or drain you.

Start to pay attention to your internal cues. Therein lies your wisdom. The body doesn't lie.

I’m rooting for you. You are not alone in this journey called life. You will get through it, with one right next step of love at a time. You will figure it out (with a little help from your friends).