Let it Flow

I’m learning so much about myself whether I like it or not…once I become aware, the lessons just flow out like a water leak from a bottle and you just can’t stop it.

So, I let them spill and meet them where they’re at - front and centered. I take time and breathe, to be here now, a place that seems so far away, yet feel so at home whenever I come back, to myself, to my breath.

Today I go with the flow. I let things flow and unfold as they are. I stop trying to control the process and outcome cuz half of the time I don’t know what I want. I remind myself that it’s okay and I take the right next step for me. I keep putting one foot ahead of the other, I keep going. I won’t give up. Not yet.

Today I’m proud of myself for waking up and getting to work. All the other accomplishments during the day are extra like icings on the cake. Last night my dog woke me up at 1:30 am and barked. His barks disrupted my sleep, and I tried to soothe him just like a baby. My body and energy level took a hit when I noticed that my head was heavy and throat was a bit scratchy for the past few days.

Quality sleep is a luxury it seems. My coworker mentioned taking time off yesterday and slept in until 2 pm, waking up feeling much more rested. I wonder if we can flip the script, for prioritize sleep as best as we can instead. Let’s make it a non-negotiable. Experiment with how much sleep your body needs and honor it.

Let’s work on sleep together. I’m tired of hitting the snooze button one too many times.

Share your favorite sleep 😴 tips below.