The Power Wish

I recently discovered Keiko’s The Power Wish method and have been able to write out a few Power Wishes during the recent full and new moons. This simple, yet powerful method of writing your wishes out in a way that aligns with the moon and honors the strength of the zodiac signs is incredible. Remember when you first learned about writing SMART goals? Well, Keiko teaches you how to write Power Wishes and gives specific examples in her book, which I appreciate.

You may be hesitant about making a decision and are feeling unfulfilled in an area of your life. You are not alone. Why not try this method of writing a Power Wish out for yourself? I checked out the book from my library first (my local library didn’t have it, so I was able to get a loaned copy from another county for free!). I ended up enjoying the book and purchasing a copy myself at my independent bookstore. I know that this is a practice I want to continue through 2022.

I am a firm believer of keeping a growth mindset, being open and curious about others’ teachings. It’s important to get clear about what you want as it provides a destination of where you’re headed. Let me know if you’re able to try it <3

If you want to work together to figure out a roadmap to your destination, let me know.

All the best to you~